Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Two 375-word Critical Response Papers to productions Assignment

Two 375-word Critical Response Papers to productions - Assignment Example The play is comparatively small within the physical scope since it was filmed with few actors, frequently indoors even though some of the France’s actors were wonderful chateaus. Moreover, the play is definitely avoids analysing the situations in the later years emanating from the initial prodigious bloody upheaval of the modern age. Although the plays were meant to deliver humour in a satirical manner to the audience, it did little sketches that were constructed in a hurry. Serious reconstruction needed in order to make them appealing the audience in the theatre industry. The moderator of the discussion keeps on talking about the murder of past guest lecturers. The rest of the plot unrolls as expected. The play was shorter and a lot shortcomings particularly failing to deliver the satirical aspect of theatre and academia. Resistance of temptations of the hindsight highlights unimaginative desire to open up the play. The movie Dangerous Liaisons’’ is one of the deadly drawing-room comedies containing infrequent compulsory to diverse various bedchambers. The protagonists dedicate themselves to search sexual liaisons for preference and power they convene on their partners. Thus, the film opens arrangement of desire for the Marquise. The idea of the pleasure mainly persuade into abandoning unsuitable principles. Moreover, seduction is seen to be a commonplace pastime, enhancement regarding the betrayal hence becoming vastly significant. The movie‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ is a delight written play the character of typical dimensions hence exposing the game as cruelty rather than the betrayal. The intelligence and strength of the actor is shaped the underlying audience’s response shredding fop but unsatisfactory struggle. Contemporary beauty subdued by the camera strainers depicts happy surprise passionately deceived by Valmont. The prevailing dark distrust mainly resides within its underlying

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Historical Changes to Illnesses and Infections

Historical Changes to Illnesses and Infections General introduction Every individual or human being desires to live a healthy and respectful life. There is an age old saying â€Å"health is wealth.† Every country desires that its subjects remain healthy to keep itself prosperous and progressive. In spite of the best efforts to achieve this goal, human suffering has become synonymous with the rapid advancements made in technology. It has taken competition to break neck levels and the young generations have given the health parameters a go by. Commercialization in agriculture has assured in a green revolution, yields have increased with bioengineered crops but the nutritional components have progressively decreased. The current day lifestyle of fast food and non exercise has led to a spurt in non communicable and metabolic related diseases.1 If lifestyle diseases are self created destruct buttons, infections have reared its head in spite of the best attempts to tackle them. Charles Darwin’s statement â€Å"survival of the fittest† works aptly in this scenario. Microorganisms and parasites are rapidly adapting to new environs with ever increasing reports of drug resistance.1 Drug discovery programmes today are not restricted to a single country, so also are the markets. Pharma majors invest heavily in research, but their agenda is mainly commercial. Countries with deep pockets also have extensive budgets with investment in drug research focused to their health care needs. Many drugs in the past are due to serendipity, with universities contributing substantially. Academic involvement is significant and academic research, however small, can be a contributor to the development of science and beneficial to mankind at large. Introduction to Infections Rapid growth in population, especially in the developing countries is leading to challenges in combating infectious diseases. Reports state that there are 17 infectious diseases, which include the likes of leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis etc., to be endemic in 149 countries, with over one billion people being exposed to them. The World Health Organization has raised the ante and has suggested to the various affected countries to be more focused on disease control. Most of these diseases are vector borne or communicable. Climate change has also been a contributing factor in slowing down vector control programmes. Favourable changes in the weather suiting to the growth of vectors have generated new transmission zones with an increased spread of infections.2 Tropical countries, including India are prone to certain common infections like malaria, dengue, chikungunya, filariasis, tuberculosis, leprosy, leishmaniasis, typhoid etc. The geographical distribution of some of them is localized depending on the regional climatic conditions. 6,60,000 deaths were reported in 2012 due to malaria of which 95% was in Africa.3 A cohort study by Neeraj Dhingra and colleagues suggest that the mortality rates of malaria in India are much higher than reported. They attribute this to a similarity of malarial symptoms with other infections like typhoid, ricketsial fever etc., thereby making malaria go unnoticed. Symptomatically similar typhoid has a fatality rate of 2 lakh deaths per year across the globe.4,5 Dengue and chikungunya, spread by the mosquito Aedes aegypti has been wide spread. Improper sanitation and hygiene has let to their rapid growth and an estimated 2/5th of the world’s population is exposed to them.6 A positive aspect of the WHO report is that the combined efforts of the countries has shown a decreased incidence by 17% and a 26% reduction in morbidity for the period 2000 – 2010.7 There is a lot of concern with reference to tuberculosis (TB). The World Health Organization in its latest report states that over 8.6 million people developed tuberculosis in 2012 with 1.3 million TB related deaths.8 Some reports suggest that there are a million missing patients who are actually positive but undiagnosed and one million infected children.9,10 A significant 13% of this infected population were HIV positive. The report also states that India alone accounted for a staggering 26% of the reported cases. The organisation has stressed the need for better diagnostic methods to detect the infection at early stages especially multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Patients with MDR-TB are resistant to the first line drugs rifampicin and isoniazid.8 The advent of modern techniques like GeneXpert has helped to identify as many as 64,000 cases in India alone.11 Experts believe that TB is a silent epidemic which has mutated very fast in the last twenty years leading to MDR-TB and extremely drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) with the first case of XDR-TB reported in the year 1997 at Sewri. Even though there are thirteen drugs available in the management of tuberculosis, it is difficult to treat drug resistant varities.11A Reports of XDR-TB in Africa have been frightening12-13 and according to WHO, accounts for 9.6% of MDR-TB cases. It is now believed that a wrong diagnosis and treatment of XDR-TB as MDR-TB complicates the further treatment. Attempts are being made to develop fixed dose combinations for treatment of TB, especially in children.14 Another mycobacterial infection that prominently bags the headlines is leprosy. 58% of the 2,32,857 leprosy cases reported worldwide were from India. Though there has been a substantial reduction in the number of cases, there needs to be some more work done till leprosy is completely eradicated.15 An area of concern is the development of resistance to antibiotics. This has impeded global efforts in containing infections. Higher rising incomes and higher rates of hospitalization have let to the higher use of antibiotics. There is also rampant over the counter sales of antibiotics without prescription in many countries including India. Microorganisms, when exposed to sub optimal doses of antibiotics develop resistance by undergoing mutations and these strains are increasingly transmitted. Some of the well documented drug resistant strains are methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli ST131 and Klebsiella ST258.16 Resistance is more to ÃŽ ² lactam class of antibiotics, with a 10 fold increased incidence in the last 20 years. The evolution of hospital MRSA was directly attributed to the indiscriminate use of quinolone antibiotics.17 Recently, the gene responsible for resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparam was also identified.18 Inflammation19-21 Inflammation can be defined as series of pathological changes associated with local vascular reactions and cellular responses of living tissue to an injury insufficient to kill the tissue. It is the body’s defence mechanism in order to eliminate or limit the spread of an injurious agent and is characterized by local heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. Depending upon the duration and the mode of onset, the inflammatory reaction can be classified as acute, sub-acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is characterized by a sudden onset and as a short course which may last for a few minutes to several hours. On the other hand, sub acute inflammation is set to last for one to six weeks or more. Chronic inflammation is known to last for months to years and is characterized by proliferation of connective tissue and blood vessels with presence of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histocytes but absence of polymorphs. Another prominent feature is the denaturation of proteins that occur in the region of inflammation. The root cause for inflammation could be a variety of chemotactic factors which could be any one among the following: Membrane derived lipid substances like eicosanoids platelet activating factors, Vasoactive amines, cytokines, lysosomal proteases etc., the most common however being the eicosanoids. The arachidonic acid pathway is well known to be the primary mechanism for the generation of pain and inflammation. The arachidonic acid itself is derived from lipid hydrolysates that are supplied from the diet. At the cellular level, the enzyme phospholipase A2 converts the phospholipids to arachidonic acid. This arachidonic acid is acted upon by two major enzyme systems: namely lipoxygenases and cyclooxygenases. Together, they regulate various immune defenses and pain mediating responses in the body and maintain homeostasis. The enzymes 5-lipoxygenases and 12-lipoxygenases metabolize the arachidonic acid to various leukotirenes which bring about vasoconstriction and vascular permeability, promote adherence of leucocytes to vascular endothelium and induce bronchial smooth muscle contraction. The role of 5-LOX in inflammation is well established. Modulating the activity of these intermediates has helped in the better management of asthma. The prostaglandins, obtained as the major products of action of cyclooxygenases on arachidonic acid show significant physiological activity when activated. Thromboxanes help to increase vascular permeability and in the aggregation of platelets, the prostacyclines decrease vascular tone and decrease platelet adhesion, the prostaglandin D2 increases hyperalgesia in sensory apparent nerve fibres whereas the prostaglandins E1, E2, F1 F2 are known to increase vascular permeability, increases hyperalgesia in sensory apparent nerve fibres, cause inflammation, reduce gastric acidity. Both isoforms of the enzyme cycloxygenase, namely COX 1 and COX 2 are expressed in various cells and tissues. It is well established that COX 1 is expressed more in the stomach and prominently involved in the regulation of acid levels, whereas COX 2 is expressed in tissues only during an injury and releases eicosonoids which regulate inflammation. Regulation of COX 2 is therefore a primary focus area in the man agement of inflammation. Arthritis is a very common occurrence these days. Eating habits and non-exercise have let to obesity. Lack of synovial fluids is known to increase friction resulting in the inflammation of the joints. Patients suffering from arthritis are subject to chronic medication and under such circumstances, patient safety becomes critical. The current strategies of NSAID research are to develop selective COX 2 inhibitors. Drugs like celecoxib, rofecoxib have been introduced in the past for the management of chronic inflammation. Figure 1: Scheme of Arachidonic acid pathway Reactive oxygenated species As reported in the initial part, lifestyle related diseases are quite common. Extremely stressful life and the enormous level of pollution that one is exposed to has affected the health of the common man. Free radicals are extensively produced in the body due to various chemo stimuli. These reactive oxygenated species are known to damage various tissues in the body. The role of antioxidants in scavenging these free radicals is well known.22 The reactive oxygenated species are formed due to different mechanisms which could be due to ionizing radiations, byproducts of cellular respiration or due to defence mechanisms of neutrophils and phagocytes. The electrons lost in electron transport chain attack molecular oxygen to form superoxide ion. These superoxide ions are capable of attacking various mitochondrial membranes and fatty acid side chains, thereby damaging them. The body has its own defence against these destructive reactive species like the enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalases which scavenge these radicals. It is also well established now that antioxidants also go a long way in combating this reactive species.23 Combating the menace of free radicals is either by prevention or by scavenging of already existing free radicals. Various enzyme, metals and vitamins work in tandem to remove these reactive oxygenated species.24 a) Anti-oxidative enzymes: These are superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione reductase. They are synthesized in the body and convert reactive oxygenated species like superoxides and hydroxyperoxides into non-reactive oxygen molecules. b) Metal Chelating antioxidant: The role of metal ions in accelerating lipid oxidation is of paramount importance, especially the transition metals like iron and copper. The initiation step of oxygen oxidation requires removal of a hydrogen atom which are catalysed by these metals. c) Singlet oxygen-quenching antioxidants: Singlet oxygen is highly reactive towards any molecule with electron or lone pairs of low ionization energy. d). Radical scavenging antioxidants: These can donate hydrogen atoms to free radicals, can scavenge free radicals and prevent lipid oxidation. Eg: vitamin C, albumin (hydrophilic), vitamin E, carotenoids (lipophilic) Acharya Nagarjuna University, GunturPage 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

African American Response to Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe :: Uncle Toms Cabin Essays

African American Response to Uncle Tom's Cabin       Many African American 19th Century critics saw Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin as a ray of hope and a means out of oppression. Critics praised the dialogue, the interjected sentimental stories, as well as the characterization. In fact, many considered the novel to be a gift from God. Uncle Tom's Cabin was the only popularized writing at the time that touched upon slavery as negative. The novel was popular in general but more importantly to African Americans. However, the response to the book was limited considering the scarcity of African American newspapers and writers. Much of the African American population at the time was held down by slavery, illiteracy, and/or a lack of places to publish.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the few venues for African American reaction was Frederick Douglass' Paper. William G. Allen, a free black teacher, comments on a particular scene of dialogue in Uncle Tom's Cabin in his letter to this publication: "The religious conversation between the slave-tenders . . . is a capital thing . . . . How it tells upon the miserable spittle-licking religionists of the present day, who, as Tom Stoker has it, are running up a bill all their lives with the devil, calculating to sneak out when pay time comes" (Allen). This discussion between Tom Stoker, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Haley is about whether the slave trade is a Christian business. Mr Haley says, "I b'lieve in religion, and one of these days, when I've got matters tight and snug, I calculates to tend to my soul and them ar matters; and so what's the use of doin' any more wickedness than 's re'lly necessary?--it don't seem to me it's 't all prudent" (Stowe 57). Tom Stoker replies that Mr. Haley is just trying to do evil things all his life with slavery, only to sneak out in the end and go to heaven. William G. Allen, in reference to this scene, commends Stowe's comparison and the relationship between Christianity and slavery.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Allen also praises the touching story of the Quadroon girl in Volume II, Chapter XXXIV. He writes, "The story of the Quadroon girl . . . exceeds anything that I have ever read, in all that is soul-searching and thrilling" (Allen). In the story of Cassy, the Quadroon girl, she helps nurse Uncle Tom back to health after having been beaten and tells him that there is no God. African American Response to Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe :: Uncle Tom's Cabin Essays African American Response to Uncle Tom's Cabin       Many African American 19th Century critics saw Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin as a ray of hope and a means out of oppression. Critics praised the dialogue, the interjected sentimental stories, as well as the characterization. In fact, many considered the novel to be a gift from God. Uncle Tom's Cabin was the only popularized writing at the time that touched upon slavery as negative. The novel was popular in general but more importantly to African Americans. However, the response to the book was limited considering the scarcity of African American newspapers and writers. Much of the African American population at the time was held down by slavery, illiteracy, and/or a lack of places to publish.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the few venues for African American reaction was Frederick Douglass' Paper. William G. Allen, a free black teacher, comments on a particular scene of dialogue in Uncle Tom's Cabin in his letter to this publication: "The religious conversation between the slave-tenders . . . is a capital thing . . . . How it tells upon the miserable spittle-licking religionists of the present day, who, as Tom Stoker has it, are running up a bill all their lives with the devil, calculating to sneak out when pay time comes" (Allen). This discussion between Tom Stoker, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Haley is about whether the slave trade is a Christian business. Mr Haley says, "I b'lieve in religion, and one of these days, when I've got matters tight and snug, I calculates to tend to my soul and them ar matters; and so what's the use of doin' any more wickedness than 's re'lly necessary?--it don't seem to me it's 't all prudent" (Stowe 57). Tom Stoker replies that Mr. Haley is just trying to do evil things all his life with slavery, only to sneak out in the end and go to heaven. William G. Allen, in reference to this scene, commends Stowe's comparison and the relationship between Christianity and slavery.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Allen also praises the touching story of the Quadroon girl in Volume II, Chapter XXXIV. He writes, "The story of the Quadroon girl . . . exceeds anything that I have ever read, in all that is soul-searching and thrilling" (Allen). In the story of Cassy, the Quadroon girl, she helps nurse Uncle Tom back to health after having been beaten and tells him that there is no God.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computer systems assignment Essay

To build a PC you must buy all of the required components otherwise the computer will not work properly or not work at all. Here is a list of all required computer components to make it work:   Motherboard- motherboard is a main component in a computer. It is a printed circuit board and it connects the CPU, RAM, and the cards which generate sound and graphics so they can communicate between each other to make a working computer system. There are many types of motherboards, those ones made more recently than others are ATX motherboards. An ATX motherboards contain the normal I/O (input-output) connectors such as USB, serial ports, PS/2.without mother board there is no way the components will work together. Case- basically a case holds together all of the components so they don’t fall apart. The type of case depends on what motherboard is used for the computer. Nowadays it is ATX so the cases for these motherboards are ATX cases. CPU- Central Processing Unit is so called a brain of a computer. The CPU performs processes and runs programs on your computer. It is needed for any action that is done on a computer. The faster the CPU the faster it will do what is required. A processor is made up of cores. The more cores it has the better it is. Nowadays most CPUs have 2 cores and some even 4. That gives a lot of power and speed when executing instructions.   RAM- Random Access Memory is used to temporarily store data which will be lost when a computer is switched off. Ram stores some of operating system data and application data while it is being ran. RAM is essential in computer performance. The more memory there is the more applications can be ran on the computer at the same time. There are many forms of Memory. Nowadays most computers use DDR2 or DDR3   Graphics Card- Graphics Card is needed to display an images on a monitor. There are AGP, PCI, PCI-E graphics. It just depends on what slot on a motherboard the card will be connected to. New graphics cards are usually made with 512MB or 1024MB of video memory which can generate graphics for all of new games.   Sound Card- sound card basically generates sound for what is ran on a computer, whether it is games, music or films. The leading sound card producer is Creative.   Modem- modem is required in a computer if you want to connect to internet. It converts the digital binary signals to analogue signals so it can be transferred in a network. There are internal modems which are connected to motherboard inside the case and others are external which connect temporarily to USB ports.   FDD- Floppy Disk Drive reads floppy disks. Those are little diskettes which hold up to 1. 44 MB. The FDDs are not installe in new computer systems as they are replaced with more spacious USB disks.   HDD- hard disk drive is a storage device. It stores the operating systems and all sorts of Data such as music, word files, films†¦ pretty much anything. It does not lose the data as a computer switches off like RAM. It stores the data and lets people access it. The capacity of hard drives is counted in Gigabytes and terabytes. The computer components have to communicate with each other in order to make an output. Motherboard allows them to communicate via BUSes which. They are little cables or printed Circuits which computer components share In order to exchange communication. There are various amounts of data that can be carried by a bus at once. They usually range from 16 to 64 bits and this is called a width of the bus. This is speed of data exchange. Also the speed of data exchange is defined by frequency of a bus. It states how many bits are sent in particular time which is usually per second. For example a CPU working with applications sends binary data, information about a picture and graphics card takes the information and puts pixels in the same way as requested and then sends it to the monitor through a cable to display it on the screen. Another example could be a CPU receiving information from RAM, processing it and sending it further to another component. Installing and configuring a printer (not plug and play) I’ve been asked to present a process of installation of a printer. With CD It is simple to do, just put the CD provided with the device into the CD Drive and go to My Computer.. After that click on the CD Drive location to explore the CD content. When explored click on the setup icon and the setup will start automatically. In the setup window click next. When done next window will come up asking to agree with the license terms. Click yes to proceed to the next stage. In the next window choose how your printer will be connected to the computer and press next. It could be either Via USB, cable or a network. When chosen press next to start the installation. When the installation process reaches 100% press finish to finalize the process And now a printer driver is installed and the printer is ready to use. I was asked to perform another installation of a device driver which in turn will be a DVD-Writer. I was provided a CD with a driver that enables the DVD- Writer to function on a system. First put the CD in the CD drive tray. When done click on my computer Icon to show the icon of the CD put in. Double click on the CD icon with the driver software to explore the content of the disc. When done double click on a Setup icon to start the installation. A window will come up letting you choose the directory of the installation. When chosen click next to proceed to another stage. In the next windows it will ask to agree to license terms. Click â€Å"agree to the license terms† and next button. The installation will start shortly. It will take quite a while to install it and when it gets to 100% press finish button to finalize the installation which will restart the computer to apply the changes to the system. After that the DVD-Writer will start functioning properly. Undertaking a final cleanup of the equipment While cleaning up the equipment health and safety standards must be met. Before taking the computer system apart I put on an anti-static wristband and put the whole computer on the anti-static mat which will prevent any flow of electricity that could damage the system and bring health issues. I make sure that the computer is not plugged in to the electricity. When I am ready I take a screwdriver and open the computer case. I Put it aside and carefully unscrew the metal bit in the middle from the computer which prevents me from manoeuvring when cleaning up. I put it aside and look what needs to be cleaned up. First I take a look at the motherboard and ribbon cables. I take a mini vacuum cleaner with brush designed for computers and carefully hoover the dusty motherboard and cables. When done I do the same with the components and I make sure that there are no liquids inside the computer and that there are no pieces of metal or plastic objects other than the components which could damage it. Then I look at the components if they are connected to the motherboard and the power supply properly and cables attached in right places. When the cleaning is done I screw the metal bit on to the computer and the case making sure the screws are firmly inside. I’ve done all the activities with special care for my own safety as well as making sure not to damage the computer. I also have to look if any components are damaged or looking dodgy replacing them if true. The outside of the case should be cleaned as well, because if dust starts to build up it can access the inside and damage the components. Take a moist cloth and wipe the surface of the case carefully till it’s clean. Be careful as some cases have few fans, do not wipe the area close to the fans as the dust could easily get wiped inside by accident Selecting upgrades for a computer system. There are many components for computer out there. Choosing the best ones will have a major influence on computer’s performance. First important upgrade could be a faster processor which is responsible for the processes running on the computer, how fast they work and how many of them can be ran at the same time. The faster the computer the faster the processes and the operating system as a whole. More RAM memory is a good choice as well when upgrading a computer. It is needed to run the applications and games. Similar to the processor the performance of the programs partially depends on RAM memory and how fast it runs. Graphics card is a very important upgrade as well. The quality of the images displayed on a screen depends on graphics card. The better the graphics card the prettier and smoother the image displayed. It is very important when playing games as it’s allows to play new games showing the best quality textures and images. A Soundcard is an important upgrade as well. Soundcard is responsible for generating the sound. The better it is the better and deeper quality of sound. It is important when playing games, music or in a studio producing music. A bigger Hard Drive is needed to store more data on a computer as well as the bigger the hard drive the faster data transfer. DVD Writer is essential if burning data to DVDs which can be used on other computers. These DVDs can contain any type of data and are quite spacious. After all the main upgrade is a motherboard which must be of good quality to connect every component for a great performance outcome. Task 2 Purpose features and functions of two operating systems Windows XP- It’s an operating system which was created by Microsoft in 2001 and was a great success. This operating system is made for ordinary people performing basic tasks but is capable of much more. Windows XP can run and is compatible with a lot of applications which makes it useful in everyday life. The main purpose of it is multimedia for people who like to enjoy themselves. It offers various applications which are already built in such as Windows Media Player which is able to play music, movies and has a lot of options of multimedia such as library, playlists or something different like basic notepad, paint which allows drawing images and saving them to share. There are also office programs in offer which allow companies to carry out their tasks regarding finances and maintenance of various departments. Windows XP was a best selling OS thanks to its stability and functionality. It is a successor to both Windows ME and Windows 2000 and it has two versions which include Windows XP home edition for home multimedia users and Windows XP professional for more advanced users with office needs. Both of them though are able to run games as well as various applications which provide fun. Windows eXPerience, because that is its full name makes work a lot easier and provides fun. The interface is easy to use and it looks nice and is intuitional and that made it a best selling Microsoft OS. It contains a lot of functions such as drag and drop like any other OS, a Taskbar at the bottom of the desktop which shows which programs are currently running on the system. The user is also able to browse internet and stream media thanks to a built in internet browser called Internet Explorer which is an ambitious name. So far Windows XP was the best system that came out rated by many customers, but that could change with release of Windows 7. Screenshot of a desktop on Windows XP professional- Linux – Linux operating system was designed as open source free software. Its functionality ranges from servers, power-computers to mobile phones and laptops. It is easy to use and its design allows customers to use it in various purposes. It is widely used as an OS for servers and programmers because it contains an interface allowing users to perform High-tech tasks thanks to its stability. The software that comes built in the OS is a free internet browser Mozilla Firefox or OpenOffice. Org which is almost the same as Microsoft Office application pack. Linux has a variety of appearance options which make it neat and good looking. There is a lot of free software compatible with linux which is related to IT field as well as a messenger and email client which makes it very useful to different groups of users but particularly IT people. The variety and accessibility to them is very good which makes linux a popular OS and it is free as well and let to distribute by people. The desktop is pretty much a window desktop and is also very intuitional. Linux OS supports dozens of programming languages which allows writing and coding in many ways. It’s secure, stable. Few of purposes are support of real time applications and fun features such as producing music, photo montage and movie making applications. This operating system was created with thought of people in IT and media creating industry and it does its job very well. Screenshot of desktop on Linux Ubuntu distribution- Compare Windows comparing to Linux is more of a multimedia system. Linux was designed for programming and creating audio or movies. It is more stable than XP and also more secure. Linux has compatibility issues with some programs as it isn’t as popular as XP but they are replaced by free applications made for linux. There are also more device drivers for XP as companies create XP-specific drivers skipping linux. Linux is much lighter than XP and can be installed onto a system on the same partition as an additional application. XP doesn’t come with a lot of useful applications and utilities and they have to be purchased externally which increases the frequency of ads. Linux in turn has a range of applications already installed by default and if not then it is easy to download them for free from reliable and safe websites. Linux can run on slower and weaker computers as well as more advanced hi-spec machines. It is already small enough unlike XP so it can be installed on tablet PCs and it will perform nicely. Linux OS is also better at multi-tasking on any machine, it’s faster and smoother however some applications work slower than XP. If working on XP there are always more security risks than linux as there are less viruses created to infect linux than XP. Using utilities There are number of utilities that support and maintain the performance and security of computer systems. I will undertake few activities using the utilities. First one and one of the main ones are installing an antivirus to prevent infections: To do that I put in the CD provided with antivirus. And go to my computer to see the if the disc is read by the CD-drive. If it is read by the computer I Click on the icon of CD-drive to explore the content of the CD. After that I look for an icon â€Å"Setup† and double click on it to start the installation process. In the main setup window I can see that it is an antivirus installation and it tells me to click â€Å"Next† to start the installation. In the next window it allows me to choose the installation type whether it is local installation or central installation. Central installation allows me to install the antivirus onto the file server and then onto particular computer systems. I choose the local installation to install it on my computer and click next. In the next window I can choose the options antivirus can perform from the beginning. I choose the intercheck client so it provides security for my computer particularly, I click next. And now finally the installation process starts. It takes quite a while to install it. When it gets to the end another window comes up asking if I want to Run the antivirus now or I just want to finish. The installation is completed. Effects of the activities These activities are done to maintain the performance and security of computer systems. Antivirus installed on a computer prevents viruses from infecting the computer as well as any other harmful software. That is a key to a fast working computer and secure. Harmful software like viruses can bring a lot of damage to the operating system causing instability and potential loss of important files. A full system scan is needed after every week of work as many files and webpages were brought on to the system and It needs checking for any harmful units to maintain the security and keep the system fast. Installation of Service Pack 2 patch is needed for new definitions of internet threats as well as performance of the OS. It brings a firewall to the system which protects the computer from harmful software coming in from the internetwork. New performance solutions makes the system faster, more stable and more reliable. Defragmenting hard drives is one of the ways to bring back data integrity lost when doing certain tasks or simply using the system. The files on hard drive get messesd up after time from various causes and need to be put in order to maintain the disk space.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction to Debt Capital Markets

BUILDING TOMORROWâ„ ¢ Introduction to Debt Capital Markets Craig Rydqvist rbs. com/gbm Introduction My background Finance sector focussed education and experience but not ‘traditional’ IB route Education †¢ †¢ First degree – BSc in Management Studies; Postgraduate – MSc Masters in Finance (part-time). Work Experience †¢ †¢ †¢ KPMG – Financial Sector Audit and Consulting (ACA); Barclays Capital – Finance followed by Trading and Structuring; RBS – Finance followed by DCM Origination. Current Role †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢Director – Conduit Origination; Sell side origination, execution and structuring; Buy side transaction analysis as RBS is ultimate risk taker; Line Manager for Global Banking Analyst Programme. Mature version of Will from the Inbetweeners RBS00000 3 Xin Miao – 2nd Year Analyst, DCM Appears geared towards Investment banking†¦ didn’t know what they were! Education & Work Experience †¢ †¢ †¢ LSE BSc in Accounting & Finance RBS Easter internship (DCM) RBS Summer internship (FI DCM) Current Role †¢RBS Graduate programme – First rotation: Investment grade corporate bond origination – Second rotation (outside DCM): Energy & Resources sector RBS00000 4 RBS Investment Banking Model GBM GBM banking GBM markets Clients Equities Origination Corporate DCM and Risk solutions Syndicate FI DCM / FISF Sector and Corporate Finance Client Management Trading Sales Investors Corporate and FIG coverage Research and strategy Origination GBM Operations Distribution RBS00000 5 DCM Products DCM Products are varied and lie on a spectrum between market facing and structured †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Corporate Investment Grade Bonds Financial Institution Debt High Yield Debt Liability Management Loan Origination and Syndication Structured Finance – Securitisation – Covered Bonds – FI Hybrids – Structured Corporate Debt †¢ †¢ Private Placements Ratings Advisory RBS offers the complete package of DCM products RBS00000 6 What DCM Originators do Origination Relationship Building Distribution Client pitches Beauty parades Market Coverage Peer Group Benchmarking Pricing Documentation Roadshows Investor contact Best deal for clientConstant dialogue with clients †¢ Pitching / responding to Requests for Proposal †¢ Indicative pricing and market commentary †¢ Execution Development of a diverse skill-set †¢ Analysis of market trends (historical and current) †¢ Presentation skills †¢ Ability to work across teams Day to day job †¢ Pricing analysis †¢ Continuous interaction with the market – new issues, market trends, demand drivers, rumours, etc †¢ Client presentations/meetings pitching for business †¢ Transaction facilitation including deal roadshows / investor due diligence RBS00000 7Current League Table Standings Al l Currencies WE IG Corporate Bonds 15 September 2011 YTD Bookrunner 1 Deutsche Bank 2 RBS 3 BNP Paribas 4 HSBC 5 JPMorgan Total Industry Source: Dealogic Analytics Share Amount No. (%) (EURm) 9,277 52 10. 08 7,150 49 7. 77 6,294 39 6. 84 6,203 39 6. 74 5,951 26 6. 46 92,054 180 100 2013 Target Position: Top 3 All Currencies WE Corp. & FI Syndicated Loans 15 September 2011 YTD Bookrunner ^ ^ ^ ^ ? 1 BNP Paribas SA 2 Credit Agricole CIB 3 Societe Generale 4 RBS 5 HSBC Holdings PLC Total Industry Source: Thomson Reuters Share Amount No. %) (EURm) 19,092 135 7. 60 18,246 86 7. 20 16,003 93 6. 30 15,635 99 6. 20 13,443 78 5. 30 252,044 352 100 2013 Target Position: Top 3 All Currencies CEEMEA Corp. Synd. Loans 15 September 2011 YTD Bookrunner ? ? ? ^ ^ 1 Citi 2 Credit Agricole CIB 3 RBS 4 BNP Paribas SA 5 Barclays Capital Total Industry Source: Thomson Reuters Share Amount No. (%) (EURm) 3,217 27 9. 00 3,052 19 8. 60 2,561 15 7. 20 2,541 16 7. 10 1,961 6 13. 00 35,593 68 100 2013 Target Position: Top 5 ? ? ? ? ^ Cross Border Private Placements 15 September 2011 YTDBookrunner 1 RBS 2 BAS 3 Barclays 4 HSBC 5 CBA Total Industry Source: PP Monitor Amount (EURm) 4,543 3,994 1,902 1,775 1,528 No. 22 19 12 9 7 Share (%) 23. 80 20. 90 9. 90 9. 30 8. 00 All Currencies WE HY Corporate Bonds 15 September 2011 YTD Bookrunner ? ? ? ? ? All Currencies CEEMEA Corporate Bonds 15 September 2011 YTD Bookrunner ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 Barclays Capital 2 RBS 3 Goldman Sachs 4 BNP Paribas 5 Citi Total Industry 2013 Target Position: Top 3 1 Deutsche Bank 2 Goldman Sachs 3 Citi 4 Credit Suisse 9 RBS Total Industry Source: Dealogic AnalyticsAmount Share No. (EURm) (%) 4,161 35 11. 11 3,518 23 9. 40 2,922 18 7. 80 2,909 20 7. 77 1,820 16 4. 86 37,441 88 100 2013 Target Position: Top 5 Amount (EURm) 2,398 1,360 1,335 1,300 1,095 15,638 No. 13 9 8 9 6 37 Share (%) 15. 34 8. 70 8. 54 8. 31 7. 00 100 ? ? ? ? ? Source: Dealogic Analytics 2013 Target Position: Top 5 RBS is a market leader in all the major D CM products RBS00000 8 Major differences between DCM and †¦. Corporate Finance †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Corporate Finance has lower execution volume As a result lots of time spent itching strategic ideas DCM is more transaction focussed DCM bankers have more respect for your private life Markets Markets covers, sales, trading, research and other areas so it’s a little hard to generalise Markets work more driven by market psychology and sort-term trends and relative value DCM generally more macro-economic focus so interaction is with the client C-suite Equity Capital Markets DCM bankers are pessimists, ECM bankers are optimists DCM involves more ‘definite’ maths – bond maths is less ‘speculative’ RBS00000 9 Why might I choose to work in DCM at RBS? †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢If you are interested in how businesses work – probably at a slightly more detailed l evel You like maths that ‘works’ – less need to speculate on growth rates and uncontrollable factors DCM is the most successful franchise within RBS GBM and carries that kudos throughout the organisation The DCM analyst programme offers lots of variety with a minimum of 6 rotations, of which at least 4 will be within DCM If you still want to learn – we take analyst development very seriously If you want to work with great people DCM bankers have respect for your private life DCM is a great place to learn and developRBS00000 10 Life of a DCM analyst Fast-learner Creative and innovative thinker Attention to detail Work well under pressure †¢ †¢ 7. 30-8. 30am start Daily tasks: – Morning meetings – Market updates/reports – Other updates e. g. company pricing †¢ †¢ †¢ Building models, producing presentations Collaboration: talking to traders, syndicate desks, Relationship Managers, other teams in DCM†¦ Analyst s events: training, networking lunch Positive Attitude RBS00000 11 Pop Quiz Should these client queries be directed to DCM, ECM, Corporate Finance, Markets or somewhere else? †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢Company CFO interested in divesting a non-core division; Institutional investor seeking to take risk on Greek sovereign default; Company CFO seeking to renew a syndicated loan facility; Bank of England seeking information on RBS exposure to Italian FIs; Company CFO seeking to understand the impact on his company credit rating of redeeming outstanding bonds; Company CFO seeking advice on complete capital restructure; Same CFO following up to understand how much capital she might raise via a rights issue and the effects of such a rights issue; Institutional investor seeking to attend a roadshow for an upcoming securitisation deal; Same investor seeking to switch his exposure in mortgage securitisation to exposure in auto securitisation ; CFO of the same investment company seeking to raise capital in the private placement market. Collaboration is Key – we serve clients best when we leverage the breadth of our franchise RBS00000 12 Questions? RBS00000 13This material is issued by The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (â€Å"RBS†) and is intended to provide the recipient (the â€Å"Recipient†) with a summary of potential transaction structures and terms and conditions that may or may not lead to transactions being entered into between RBS and the Recipient. Unless and until both RBS and the Recipient agree to, and sign formal written contracts, it is not intended that either RBS or the Recipient is, or will be, bound by any of these proposed terms and conditions. This material is confidential and is intended for use only by the Recipient and its professional advisers and remains the property of RBS. It should not be reproduced or disclosed to any other person without the consent of RBS and must be retur ned on request to RBS and any copies thereof destroyed.Nothing in this document should be construed as legal, tax, regulatory, accounting or investment advice or as a recommendation or an offer by RBS to purchase securities from or sell securities to the Recipient, or to underwrite securities of the Recipient, or to extend any credit or like facilities to the Recipient, or to conduct any such activity on behalf of the Recipient. RBS makes no representations or warranties with respect to the material, and disclaims all liability for any use the Recipient or its advisers make of the contents of the material. However this shall not restrict, exclude, or limit any duty or liability to any person under any applicable laws or regulations of any jurisdiction which may not lawfully be disclaimed.Any views or opinions expressed in the material (including statements or forecasts) constitute the judgement of RBS as of the date indicated and are subject to change without notice. RBS does not un dertake to update this document. The Recipient should not rely on any representations or undertakings inconsistent with the above paragraphs. RBS is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc acts in certain jurisdictions as the authorised agent of The Royal Bank of Scotland N. V. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc. Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. RBS00000 14

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Government Expenditure essayEssay Writing Service

Government Expenditure essayEssay Writing Service Government Expenditure essay Government Expenditure essayToday, the problem of the high government spending raises the debate over the possible reduction of the government spending that will stimulate the economic growth of the US. However, the government spending tends to increase rather than decrease and this trend is likely to persist. In such a situation, it is important to understand the main items comprising the core of the government spending today.The government expenditure is the subject to the public debate because the government spending is one of the primary concerns in the time of the economic downturn, while cuts in the government spending affect a large part of the population. At the same time, in spite of economic problems and policies conducted by the government, the government spending tends to increase in the US. At this point, it is possible to refer to the article â€Å"What Is Driving Growth in Government Spending?† by Nate Silver, where the author explores the historical change of t he government spending and reveals major trends in the government spending and how it affects the US economy and society.In fact, the author of the article provides the detailed analysis of the development of the government spending and stresses key changes that occur in this field in the US. In this regard, it is worth mentioning key findings of the author. First, the government spending on the defense comprised over 40% as share of GDP and comprised the lion share of the total government spending not only during World War II but also after the war.However, in the course of time, the government spending has shifted toward the higher spending on social welfare programs and entitlement programs. The author places emphasis on the fact the government spending on the entitlement programs comprised the larger part of the total government spending by 2010. At the same time, the author points out that the government debt and interests on the national debt remain low. At first glance, such a trend is paradoxical, because the national debt keeps growing but the author explains the low costs of interests on the national debt for the federal budget by the fact that borrowed money and interest rates are cheap borrowings. Therefore, it is possible to trace three major trends: 1) the cut of spending on defense; 2) the growth of the government spending on entitlement programs; 3) the low costs of interest rates that makes the public debt a cheap instrument to cover the budget deficit.Eventually, Silver arrives to the conclusion that the growing spending on entitlement programs may become too costly for the US government, while Americans will take the government spending on diverse social programs for granted. As a result, Silver compares the federal government to insurance brokers, who takes risks and covers health care and other costs of their clients, who do not even care about them.However, some points made by Silver in the article are debatable/many researchers () disagr ee that the public debt is as attractive as Silver believes. In fact, the public debt is still the costly instrument because the government will have to serve the debt in a long run. As a result, the growth of the public debt will still increase the government spending on interest on the public debt. Many researchers () insist that if the public debt keeps growing, it will become the unbearable burden for the federal budget.At the same time, I believe that the growth of spending on entitlement programs is a very important trend but it is not necessary as negative as Siler believes. To put it more precisely, the government spending on entitlement programs means the funding of health care programs, educational programs and other entitlement programs. If the government cuts abruptly costs spent on these programs, a large part of the population will be unable to cover those costs that may have disastrous effects putting many people on the edge of survival. Moreover, another effect of th e possible cut of the government spending on entitlement programs will be the reduction of revenues of businesses and organizations that rely on the government funding. For example, health care organizations will have to cut their services provided for the population covered by welfare programs sponsored by the government. As a result, the cut of the government spending on entitlement programs may trigger the deterioration of the socioeconomic situation in the US and, more important provoke the large scale social conflict.Thus, the government spending tends to increase today basically due to the growth of entitlement programs. Silver warns that this trend may have negative effects on the US economy and society in a long run. In this regard, the reduction of spending on defense and infrastructure remain almost unnoticed by the author, who considers that such reduction is not significant and disastrous. However, the conclusion of the author that the rise of the government spending on entitlement programs is negative is questionable because, otherwise, i.e. in case of cuts of the government spending on entitlement programs, the US may face the profound socioeconomic crisis.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Phases of Capitalism - Mercantile, Classical and Keynesian

Phases of Capitalism - Mercantile, Classical and Keynesian Most people today are familiar with the term capitalism and what it means. But did you know that it has existed for over 700 years? Capitalism today is a much different economic system than it was when it debuted in Europe in the 14th century. In fact, the system of capitalism has gone through three distinct epochs, beginning with mercantile, moving on to classical (or competitive), and then evolving into Keynesianism or state capitalism in the 20th century before it would morph once more into the global capitalism we know today. The Beginning: Mercantile Capitalism, 14th-18th centuries According to Giovanni Arrighi, an Italian sociologist, capitalism first emerged in its mercantile form during the 14th century. It was a system of trade developed by Italian traders who wished to increase their profits by evading local markets. This new system of trade was limited until growing European powers started to profit from long-distance trade, as they began the process of colonial expansion. For this reason, American sociologist William I. Robinson dates the beginning of mercantile capitalism at Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492. Either way, at this time, capitalism was a system of trading goods outside of one’s immediate local market in order to increase profit for the traders. It was the rise of the â€Å"middle man.† It was also the creation of the seeds of the corporation- the joint stock companies used to broker the trade in goods, like the British East India Company. Some of the first stock exchanges and banks were created during this per iod as well, in order to manage this new system of trade. As time passed and European powers like the Dutch, French, and Spanish rose to prominence, the mercantile period was marked by their seizure of the control of trade in goods, people (as slaves), and resources previously controlled by others. They also, through colonization projects, shifted production of crops to colonized lands and profited off of enslaved and wage-slave labor. The Atlantic Triangle Trade, which moved goods and people between Africa, the Americas, and Europe, thrived during this period. It is an exemplar of mercantile capitalism in action. This first epoch of capitalism was disrupted by those whose ability to accumulate wealth was limited by the tight grasp of the ruling monarchies and aristocracies. The American, French, and  Haitian Revolutions  altered systems of trade, and the Industrial Revolution significantly altered the means and relations of production. Together, these changes ushered in a new epoch of capitalism. The Second Epoch: Classical (or Competitive) Capitalism, 19th century Classical capitalism is the form we are probably thinking of when we think about what capitalism is and how it operates. It was during this epoch that Karl Marx studied and critiqued the system, which is part of what makes this version stick in our minds. Following the political and technological revolutions mentioned above, a massive reorganization of society took place. The bourgeoisie class, owners of the means of production, rose to power within newly formed nation-states and a vast class of workers left rural lives to staff the factories that were now producing goods in a mechanized way. This epoch of capitalism was characterized by free market ideology, which holds that the market should be left to sort itself out without intervention from governments. It was also characterized by new machine technologies used to produce goods, and the creation of distinct roles played by workers within a compartmentalized division of labor. The British dominated this epoch with the  expansion of their colonial empire, which brought raw materials from its colonies around the world into its factories in the UK at low cost. For example, sociologist John Talbot, who has studied the coffee trade throughout time, notes that British capitalists invested their accumulated wealth in developing cultivation, extraction, and transportation infrastructure throughout Latin America, which fostered a huge increase in flows of raw materials to British factories. Much of the labor used in these processes in Latin America during this time was coerced, enslaved, or paid very low wages, notably in Brazil, where slavery was not abolished until 1888. During this period, unrest among the working classes in the U.S., in the UK, and throughout colonized lands was common, due to low wages and poor working conditions. Upton Sinclair infamously depicted these conditions in his novel, The Jungle. The U.S. labor movement took shape during this epoch of capitalism. Philanthropy also emerged during this time, as a way for those made wealthy by capitalism to redistribute wealth to those who were exploited by the system. The Third Epoch: Keynesian or New Deal Capitalism As the 20th century dawned, the U.S.  and nation states within Western Europe were firmly established as sovereign states with distinct economies bounded by their national borders. The second epoch of capitalism, what we call â€Å"classical† or â€Å"competitive,† was ruled by free-market ideology and the belief that competition between firms and nations was best for all, and was the right way for the economy to operate. However,  following the stock market crash of 1929, free-market ideology and its core principles were abandoned by heads of state, CEOs, and leaders in banking and finance. A new era of state intervention in the economy was born, which characterized the third epoch of capitalism. The goals of state intervention were to protect national industries from overseas competition, and to foster the growth of national corporations through state investment in social welfare programs and infrastructure. This new approach to managing the economy was known as â€Å"Keynesianism,† and based on the theory of British economist  John Maynard Keynes, published in 1936. Keynes argued that the economy was suffering from inadequate demand for goods, and that the only way to remedy that was to stabilize the populace so that they could consume. The forms of state intervention taken by the U.S. through legislation and program creation during this period were known collectively as the â€Å"New Deal,† and included, among many others, social welfare programs like Social Security, regulatory bodies like the United States Housing Authority and Farm Security Administration, legislation like the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (which put a legal cap on weekly work hours  and set a minimum wage), and lending bodies like Fannie Mae that subsidized home mortgages. The New Deal also created jobs for unemployed individuals and put stagnant production facilities to work with federal progr ams like the  Works Progress Administration.   The New Deal included regulation of financial institutions, the most notable of which was the  Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, and increased rates of taxes on very wealthy individuals, and on corporate profits. The Keynesian model adopted in the U.S., combined with the production boom created by World War II, fostered a period of economic growth and accumulation for U.S. corporations that set the U.S. on course to be the global economic power during this epoch of capitalism. This rise to power was fueled by technological innovations, like radio, and later, television, that allowed for mass mediated advertising to create demand for consumer goods. Advertisers began selling a lifestyle that could be achieved through consumption of goods, which marks an important turning point in the history of capitalism:  the emergence of consumerism, or consumption as a way of life. The U.S. economic boom of capitalism’s third epoch faltered in the 1970s for several complex reasons, which we won’t elaborate here. The plan hatched in response to this economic recession  by U.S. political leaders, and heads of corporation and finance, was a neoliberal plan premised on undoing much of the regulation and social welfare programs created in the previous decades. This plan and its enactment created the conditions for the globalization of capitalism, and led into the fourth and current epoch of capitalism.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Art a Play by Yasmina Reza

Art a Play by Yasmina Reza Marc, Serge, and Yvan are friends. They are three middle-aged men of comfortable means who have stayed friends with each other for fifteen years. Since men of their age often lack opportunities to meet new people and sustain new friendships, their courtesy towards and their tolerance for one another’s quirks and affinities have been worn raw. At the opening of the play, Serge is smitten with his acquisition of a new painting. It is a modern art piece (white on white) for which he paid two hundred thousand dollars. Marc can’t believe that his friend bought a white on white painting for such an extravagant amount of money. Marc could not care less about modern art. He believes that people ought to have a few more standards when it comes to determining what is good â€Å"art† and therefore worthy of two grand. Yvan gets caught in the middle of Marc and Serge’s arguments. He does not find the painting or the fact that Serge spent so much to acquire it as offensive as Marc does, but he doesn’t adore the piece as much as Serge does. Yvan has his own real-life problems. He is planning a wedding with a fiancà © turned â€Å"bridezilla† and a host of selfish and unreasonable relatives. Yvan tries to turn towards his friends for support only to be ridiculed by both Marc and Serge for not having a strong opinion in their war over the white on white painting. The play culminates in a confrontation among the three strong personalities. They throw every personal choice that the others disagree with and look down on into each other’s faces. A piece of art, a visual and external representation of inner values and beauty, causes Marc, Yvan, and Serge to question themselves and their relationships to the core.  Ã‚   At his wit’s end, Serge hands Marc a felt tip pen and dares him to draw over his white on white, two hundred thousand dollars, adored, a piece of art. How far will Marc go to prove that he truly doesn’t believe that this painting is actually art? Production Details Setting: The main rooms of three different flats. Only a change in the painting above the mantle determines whether the flat belongs to Marc, Yvan, or Serge.Time: The presentCast Size: This play can accommodate 3 male actors. Roles Marc: Marc is a strongly opinionated man when it comes to what he values and an extremely condescending one towards what he does not value at all. Other people’s feelings do not factor into his decisions or filter the manner in which he talks to them and about them. Only his girlfriend and her homeopathic remedies for stress seem to have any sway over his strong and acerbic personality. On his wall above his mantel hangs a figurative painting that is described as â€Å"pseudo-Flemish† of a view of Carcassonne.Serge: Serge, according to Marc, has recently taken a dive into the world of Modern Art and has fallen head over heels with a newfound respect for it. Modern Art speaks to something within him that makes sense and which he finds beautiful. Serge has recently gone through a divorce and has a dim view of marriage and anyone searching to make a commitment to another person. His rules for life, friendship, and art went out the window with his marriage and now he has fo und peace in the realm of Modern Art where the old rules are thrown out and acceptance and instinct govern what is valuable. Yvan: Yvan is less high strung than his two friends about art, but he has his own issues in life and love that make him just as neurotic as Marc and Serge are. He begins the play stressed about his upcoming wedding and looking for a little support. He finds none. Although the physical production of art on canvas means less to him than it does to the others, he is more in tune with the psychological responses and reasonings behind such responses than either Marc or Serge are. That aspect of his personality is what thrusts him into being the middleman in this fight between friends and why he gets belittled by both of them. He actually cares more about their feelings and well-being than they do for him or each other. The painting above the mantel in his flat is described as â€Å"some daub.† The audience finds out later Yvan’s is the artist. Technical Requirements Art is light on technical requirements for production. Production notes specify the need for only a single set of a man’s flat, â€Å"as stripped down and neutral as possible.† The only object that should change between scenes is the painting. Serge’s flat has the white on white canvas, Marc’s has the view of Carcassonne, and for Yvan, the painting is the â€Å"daub.† Occasionally the actors deliver asides to the audience. Marc, Serge, or Yvan take turns stepping out of the action and addressing the audience directly. Lighting changes during these asides will help the audience understand the break in the action. No costume changes are needed and there are few props required for this production. The playwright wants the audience to focus on the art, the friendships, and the questions the play brings up. Production History Art was written in French for a French audience by playwright Yasmina Reza. It has been translated many times and produced in many countries since its debut in 1996. Art was performed ​on Broadway at the Royale Theater in 1998 for a run of 600 shows. It starred ​Alan Alda as Marc, ​Victor Garber as Serge, and Alfred Molina as Yvan. Content Issues: Language Dramatists Play Service holds the production rights for Art (translated by Christopher Hampton). Inquiries for producing the play may be made through the website.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership Assessment - Essay Example Hence it is pivotal for a manager to have the leadership ability and to possess the salient attributes of leadership. For in the current global environment, leadership is of immense importance in the sense that it is eventually the leadership skills inherent in the organizations that imbue them with a competitive advantage. So as to assure an optimal organizational efficiency, it is a must for the managers deployed at varied levels in an organization to possess leadership abilities (Storey, 2007, p. 73). Q1: Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you. It is a known fact that organizations simply cannot succeed unless they are endowed with teams that are skilled, motivated and competent. In that context, as group effort and team work are imperative for organizational success, thereby the role of leadership becomes of prime relevance in organizations. Throug h good leadership, managers can motivate the employees to give way to a wholesome and supportive work environment that stimulates most of the employees to work to the best of their ability. The Chief Executive Officer is the organization I work is predominantly affiliated to a participative or democratic leadership style. Though it is he who takes the final decisions pertaining to the important issues impacting the organization, he does make it a point to invite the staff members associated with specific projects to extend their inputs and ideas (Keohane, 2010, p. 233). This approach not only extends to the staff a sense of participation, but also encourages them to perform to the best of their ability (Keohane, 2010). Besides, the participation of the concerned employees in the overall decision making process brought in a spirit of creativity and ingenuity in the overall decision making process Our CEO makes it a point to aptly reward the employees with economic and non-economic be nefits. Not only has he played a guiding role for his subordinates, but going by his participative style, he makes it a point to extend to his subordinates the opportunities for skill acquisition and growth. This not only makes the employees feel cherished and wanted, but also imparts to them a sense of control over their future. No wonder, this motivates the employees to work hard and to contribute to the best of their ability. Though, owing to the democratic leadership of our CEO, things sometimes tend to move at a slow pace, but overall it leads to better results and outcomes. Q2: Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped to enhance your relationship skills in the workplace. In a simplistic sense, an organization tends to be a shared platform over which individuals and employees from diverse backgrounds tend to work in cohesion to achiev e the aspired for organizational goals. Hence, each and every organization tends to have some peculiar values, rules, guidelines and policies that not only collectively constitute the organizational culture, but also determine to a large extent the eventual success and efficiency

Friday, October 18, 2019

Bill Cosby legal allegations and laws that apply to and affect this Term Paper

Bill Cosby legal allegations and laws that apply to and affect this situation - Term Paper Example Several women have accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting them by use of drugs. The list has grown to13 plaintiffs with the latest being the two plaintiffs interviewed in Philadelphia and People magazines. The women that have claimed to be sexually assaulted by Cosby have grown to be more than 20 in number. The right to privacy holds that no person should experience not logical interference in his life. This right protects one’s privacy, correspondence, home, reputation, and honor. The law, therefore, should ensure the protection against such attacks or interferences. Bill Cosby has made efforts to see that his right to privacy is protected (Noorani 802). Bill Cosby has used his right of expression to protect his privacy in the cases of sexual assault. He has used this right to react to the accusers’ allegations by showing that they are liars. Bill Cosby’s act has aimed to gain and control the sympathy of the public and judicial process. He has painted the accusers as individuals who have hidden agendas of defaming him. This is by spoiling his reputation and honor that he has worked for long to gain. His act of doing this in the media is a technique that he uses to amplify his voice (Scocca). Bill Cosby has also used his right of self-defense to protect his privacy in the sexual assault accusation cases. For example, his lawyers’ call for dismissal of the defamation cases filed by the three women is an act of privacy protection. The lawyers argue the Cosby branding the women liars does not meet the defamation threshold. Bill’s statements were of self-defense, which is a privilege that should be provided to all the accused. In contrary, it is in Cosby’s rights to make self- defense utterances. According to his lawyers, the defamation claim on the act of self-defense will be a set of double standards. Hobson’s Choice supports the right of publicly denying the

Time-Driven ABC and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) articles Essay

Time-Driven ABC and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) articles analysis - Essay Example After realizing that this technique consumes a lot of time, Kaplan and Anderson improved on it and developed a new method known as Time-driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC). This technique uses information from Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) to assign costs to products and services directly and in a less costly manner (Kaplan, & Anderson, 2005). This paper will analyze the drawbacks of ABC that made Kaplan to develop TDABC and the relationship between TDABC and ERP. The drawbacks of ABC that led to the development of TDABC include overlooking capacity, expensive, and time consuming (Gilbert, 2007). The technique consumes time because organizations have to conduct interviews to ask workers the amount of time that they take to complete each activity. Companies take time to develop questions to ask workers about all the activities that they carry out in the firm and it consumes even more time to conduct the interview sessions (Kaplan, & Anderson, 2005). This process is also expensive because companies have to acquire resources to conduct the interviews; for example, organizations spend money on developing questionnaires, paying interviewers, and analyzing the data from the interviews. This increases the expenses of a firm leading to low profits. Kaplan also argues that the traditional ABC technique ignored the role of capacity in organizations. The traditional ABC method allocated costs to products by first determining the cost of all activities in a company. This means that this technique ignored the ability of workers and machines to produce goods in a company (Kaplan, & Anderson, 2005). The other limitation of ABC is that it is inaccurate because of errors that employees make when estimating the time that they use to complete activities in an organization (Gilbert, 2007). Time-driven Activity Based Costing solves the problems of traditional ABC by using accurate data from ERP that consumes less time and takes into account the capacity of

Review Questions Week 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review Questions Week 10 - Essay Example In that regard, they are trained on how to take risks and innovations. Code of ethics are significant to the organization because through them people in the organization create socially responsible behavior within the organization. Similarly, people within the organization enhance openness. On the same note, code of ethics emphasizes integrity within the organization. All these are possible because code of ethics creates an ethical environment where people observe binding factors that come in the form of mission and shared goals. In return, the organization has an effective leadership. Every leader has a duty to ensure that the organization has a code of ethics and the same is adhered to all the time. High power distance refers to situations in which, the leaders and the followers do not usually interact as equals while in low power distance cultures, leaders and followers occasionally interact as equals. There are potential problems in situations where the leader comes from a high power distance culture and the followers from a low power distance culture. The problem could arise due to lack of contact, given that the followers would be willing to make contact with the leader who, on the other hand would not be willing to interact with them. Lack of interaction and difference in approaches could have an impact on the organization. Authentic leadership is the ability to make good decisions and communicate effectively with the rest of the team. Secondly, authentic leadership involves real commitment to the organization’s goals and also committed to ensuring that the followers are equally motivated with an aim of ensuring achieving organization goals. Thirdly, they possess courage and strong character while discharging their duties in the organization. Fourthly, an authentic leader work hard to avoid failure because that would lead to distrust from the others. The essence of this

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Student Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Student Teaching - Essay Example An intensive reading intervention strategy involving decoding and fluency skills and based on the Phono-Graphix and Read Naturally program was applied to 27 students (Denton, 2006). A 16-week intervention â€Å"resulted in significant improvement in reading, decoding, fluency, and comprehension† (ibid). Students with special needs also respond well to reading interventions. The effectiveness of a supplemental tutoring intervention by the name of Read Well was evaluated on children with learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorder, and English language learners who were also poor readers in a several multiple-probe-across-participants design (Jitendra, 2004). These children â€Å"showed improvement in passage fluency† (ibid) in Year 1 studies and â€Å"growth in reading, spelling, and comprehension for most children† (ibid) in Year 2 studies. Overall, both studies indicated â€Å"benefits of increased instructional intensity and duration for children who struggle with emerging reading skills† (ibid). Students with different primary language backgrounds also respond equally well as a study of 166 struggling readers who underwent phonologically based remediation showed (Lovett, 2008). They either had a reading disability, or were below average in oral or verbal skills besides having English either as a first language (EFL) or had an English language learner (ELL) status. After being randomly assigned to either a special education reading control program or one of three reading interventions, â€Å"the research based interventions proved superior to the special education control on both reading outcomes and rate of growth† (ibid). Moreover, there were no differences between children with EFL and ELL status. Thus, intervention is successful but student’s reading difficulties can have varying causes for which an individually tailored instructional strategy can help to better respond to the unique challenges of

Access Health Care in the UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Access Health Care in the UK - Research Paper Example In this paper, the current health care policy of UK will be analyzed critically along with mentioning of key suggestions and recommendations in encouraging further improvement. In UK healthcare is mainly facilitated by a publicly financed service called National Health Service (NHS), which is funded by general taxation and national insurances. Most of the mainstream primary and secondary health services (such as Hospital services, preventive services, prescribed Hospital drugs and physician services) are provided free of cost to all permanent UK residents. (Siciliani & Borowitz et al., 2013) However, treatments for infectious diseases like AIDS/HIV and emergency visits are free for visitors or illegal residents. Restricted co-payments are taken for dental care, mental healthcare, palliative care and vision care. Senior citizens, children, pregnant women and lower-income families are kept devoid of these payments. General practitioners are used for provision of primary healthcare and necessary future referrals in NHS. Specialist outpatient care including primary dental care, mental care and eye services are based on private sector contracts. Long-term care such as residential care and continued services are quite restricted in NHS. (Harrison, 2014) In UK, NHS is provided under National Health Service Act 1946.It covered England and Wales while Scotland and Northern Ireland were provided with separate legislations. According to this Act, NHS was to be availed freely by all citizens irrespective of race, gender, marital status, age or disability. However, reforms in the initial policies led to the invention of Health and Social Care Act, 2012. It focuses more on health care improvement and quality of services provided. Maternity and Childcare policy: Pregnant women are provided with best available health services and maternity care at NHS hospitals. Provision of a midwife for labor, birth, pre-and-post-delivery care is ensured. In case of miscarriages and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Student Teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Student Teaching - Essay Example An intensive reading intervention strategy involving decoding and fluency skills and based on the Phono-Graphix and Read Naturally program was applied to 27 students (Denton, 2006). A 16-week intervention â€Å"resulted in significant improvement in reading, decoding, fluency, and comprehension† (ibid). Students with special needs also respond well to reading interventions. The effectiveness of a supplemental tutoring intervention by the name of Read Well was evaluated on children with learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorder, and English language learners who were also poor readers in a several multiple-probe-across-participants design (Jitendra, 2004). These children â€Å"showed improvement in passage fluency† (ibid) in Year 1 studies and â€Å"growth in reading, spelling, and comprehension for most children† (ibid) in Year 2 studies. Overall, both studies indicated â€Å"benefits of increased instructional intensity and duration for children who struggle with emerging reading skills† (ibid). Students with different primary language backgrounds also respond equally well as a study of 166 struggling readers who underwent phonologically based remediation showed (Lovett, 2008). They either had a reading disability, or were below average in oral or verbal skills besides having English either as a first language (EFL) or had an English language learner (ELL) status. After being randomly assigned to either a special education reading control program or one of three reading interventions, â€Å"the research based interventions proved superior to the special education control on both reading outcomes and rate of growth† (ibid). Moreover, there were no differences between children with EFL and ELL status. Thus, intervention is successful but student’s reading difficulties can have varying causes for which an individually tailored instructional strategy can help to better respond to the unique challenges of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Swimming Pool 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Swimming Pool 2 - Assignment Example This paper declares that human resource professional are supposed to make decisions that they can be accountable in case of any setbacks.   Human Resource managers and other decision makers of the management who take part in the process of making decisions have in the past years progressively been alleged â€Å"personally liable† in the federal and state employment laws. In most cases, it is due to a decision that they made in the wrong manner.   The case study on the swimming pool demonstrates  Ã‚  Ã‚   personal liability for general managers who take part in human resource decision making, and what these managers can do to reduce their experience to personal liability. This is the case in cedar, the new management is supposed to understand that it is their responsibility to train their staff the way they want the resort to be run.This study highlights that  mr. Angelo was not qualified for the position of the pool maintenance and repair; he was qualified for other po sitions in the club. However, the general manager ignored this and provided undertraining on pool maintenance, this means that he was not fit to run the pool. This was purely the mistake of the manager. She is the one who is liable to anything that happened. In fact, Mr. Angelo was justified to act the way he did since he was acting in self-defense, in actual sense, he even didn’t identify the problem.  Besides, if Mr. Angelo admitted that it was indeed his fault, he would face legal accusations and the firm would not be on his side.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Influenza Vaccination for Pregnant Health Care Workers

Influenza Vaccination for Pregnant Health Care Workers Jee Hae Kim Introduction A certain pregnant nurse was fired because of refusing to get a flu shot in Pennsylvania in December, 2013 (Murphy, 2013). Getting a flu shot is the one of the biggest issues for health care professionals who are especially pregnant health care workers. However, vaccination still remains the most effective way for preventing severe influenza illness. According Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), seasonal flu vaccination is recommended for all pregnant women (Goldfarb, Panda, Wylie Riley, 2011). But, why do they hesitate to get a flu shot? Current vaccination rate Flu vaccination rate for pregnant women is still low in the US. In 2005, the US achieved just 16% influenza vaccination coverage of pregnant women, and it is estimated that less than 10% of pregnant women who are at highest risk of influenza receive the vaccine (Broughton, Beigi, Switzer, Raker Anderson, 2009). Even with increased morbidity during pregnancy from seasonal influenza, only 11% of pregnant women were vaccinated during the 2008 through 2009 flu season (Dlugacz, Fleischer, Carney, Copperman, Ahmed, Ross Silverman, 2012). In addition, influenza vaccination rates have remained substantially below 50% for Health Care Personnel (HCP). Within the population of HCP, nurses have been shown to have lower influenza vaccination rates than physicians (Clark, Cowan Wortley, 2009). Although the rate is getting increase little by little, it is still low compared to physicians’ vaccination rate. Barriers for vaccination According to a certain survey, 58.3% of patients reported feeling scared about seasonal flu infection during their pregnancy (Goldfarb, et al., 2011). What are the main causes they are afraid of getting a flu shot? One of those reasons is that they have a fear uncertainly because they do not know specifically how safe flu vaccine is while they are pregnant. In addition, they do not know as well about how dangerous unvaccinated status is during pregnancy. Vaccinated nurses demonstrated greater knowledge about influenza and risk factors for influenza, while unvaccinated nurses believed they were not at risk (Clark, et al., 2009). These facts show that knowledge about safety of vaccine is one of the most important keys to decide whether they get a flu shot or not. Vaccine declination was associated with less knowledge about influenza, lower perceived susceptibility, and beliefs that the vaccine is not efficacious of safe (Eppes, Cameron, Gracia Grobman, 2013). Furthermore, health care workers in the obstetric field also have limited knowledge about the epidemiology of influenza infection and most of them do not consider influenza as a potentially serious disease (Broughton, et al., 2009). Political, social and economic backgrounds The states role is to reduce morbidity and mortality by nosocomial inflammation of influenza and maintenance of a reasonable health care workforce and to show that mandatory influenza vaccination is sensibly related to reducing the flu budget (Ottenberg, Poland, Jacobson, Koenig Tilburt, 2011). It can be one of the political reasons for getting a flu shot for health care workers and government forces them to vaccinate. In addition, we can concern about economic aspect. The commerce legislation can make the federal government regulate activity essentially that affects inter-state commerce, including parts of the health care industry which is related to the management infectious disease and prevention. With the public health service act, health and human services department in the US has organized the national vaccine plan, the national vaccine advisory committee, and the national vaccine injury compensation program (Ottenberg, et al., 2011). Through these mechanisms, the commerce legislation permitted the federal government to control, strengthen, or potentially obligate the vaccination of health care workers against influenza and ensure fair movement to arbitrate complaints related to vaccination (Ottenberg, et al., 2011). It shows that mandatory vaccination can lead saving budget for government because they do not have to pay for the treatment of the secondary infection for people due to influenza . Ethical concerns There are also possible ethical arguments underlying mandatory vaccination. Hospitals are enforcing health care workers to vaccinate for two primary reasons. The one is for supporting of the professional duty of health care workers to benefit for patients individually and to ‘Do No Harm’ and another is for meeting the shared obligations of hospitals and health care workers to protect the public health with infectious disease which is preventable (Ottenberg, et al., 2011). In these situations, we can think about the important questions such as â€Å"What are the obligations of health care workers to their patients?† or â€Å"Is it proper for patients to expect health care workers to get a flu shot because of influenza?† Possible solutions I suggest some solutions to promote vaccination for pregnant health care workers. First of all, the convenience of influenza vaccination is strongly needed such as using mobile vaccination carts. Instead of fixed date or time for vaccination, health care workers can have it depending on their schedules. Secondly, provision of free vaccination and peer vaccination is another good method for promoting vaccination. For example, some pregnant nurses who are already vaccinated could be a good model for other pregnant nurses who are not vaccinated yet. Thirdly, incentive programs also can be a great way for health care workers. If they can get extra pay, the rate of vaccination can be raised. Lastly, education about safety of vaccination for pregnant health care workers is the most effective method. Indeed, I had concerned about wearing a mask while they are working without vaccination, but this could be not a perfect prevention of pandemic influenza. Instead of this, it would be better to persuade them who refuse vaccination and to emphasize again about the safety of vaccination during pregnancy. Safety of vaccination during pregnancy There are already several studies to prove safety of vaccination during pregnancy. According to CDC, studies of a lot of pregnant women in scientific view have checked the safety of vaccination during pregnancy. These studies did not show any evidence of danger to pregnant women, even to the unborn fetus and to newborns of vaccinated women (CDC, 2013). In addition, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) and CDC’s periodic monitoring of side effects’ occurrence has not raised safety concerns (CDC, 2013). Rumors and fears should not be an obstacle to promoting patient safety and public health. The implementation of mandatory vaccination should solve the ambiguous concerns and misconceptions of vaccine safety as well. Rates of serious side effects’ occurrence following vaccination, such as Guillain-Barrà © syndrome, are vanishingly low as no higher than 1 in 1,000,000 (CDC, 2013). Conclusion Among several solutions as I mentioned above, I guess the best way to promote the flu-vaccination rate for pregnant health care providers is education. An effective educational strategy should focus on known misconceptions and knowledge gaps. Furthermore, the influence of health care workers on patient vaccination coverage should not be underestimated. It has been shown that health care workers’ recommendations have positive effects on the likelihood of patients to be vaccinated (Broughton, et al., 2009). According to an article, women whose maternity care provider has recommended the vaccine are much more likely to receive it than those whose providers did not (Broughton, et al., 2009). It shows that how critical education affect not only pregnant health care workers, but also pregnant patients. I insist that health care workers should be vaccinated because reducing the transmission of preventable diseases cannot prevent any harm in the clinical care area. Health care worker vaccination of influenza is consistent with a collective professional accountability to treat all patients moderately and to use appropriate precautions against preventable harms. With mandatory health care worker vaccination, health care organizations should make sure that vaccination is an informed procedure. Health care workers should also get the information clearly about benefits and risks related to influenza vaccination and that vaccines are offered handily. Reference Broughton, D. E., Beigi, R. H., Switzer, G. E., Raker, C. A., Anderson, B. L. (2009). Obstetric health care workers’ attitudes and beliefs regarding influenza vaccination in pregnancy. Obstetrics Gynecology, 114(5), 981-987. Center for Disease Control (2013, September 3). Seasonal Flu Vaccine Safety and Pregnant Women. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/qa_vacpregnant.htm Clark, S. J., Cowan, A. E., Wortley, P. M. (2009). Influenza vaccination attitudes and practices among US registered nurses. American Journal of Infection Control, 37(7), 551-556. Danzon, P. M., Pereira, N. S., Tejwani, S. S. (2005). Vaccine supply: a cross-national perspective. Health Affairs, 24(3), 706-717. Dlugacz, Y., Fleischer, A., Carney, M. T., Copperman, N., Ahmed, I., Ross, Z., Silverman, R. A. (2012). 2009 H1N1 vaccination by pregnant women during the 2009-10 H1N1 influenza pandemic. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 206(4), 339-e1. Eppes, C., Wu, A., You, W., Cameron, K. A., Garcia, P., Grobman, W. (2013). Barriers to influenza vaccination among pregnant women. Vaccine, 31(27), 2874-2878. Goldfarb, I., Panda, B., Wylie, B., Riley, L. (2011). Uptake of influenza vaccine in pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 204(6), S112-S115. Murphy Carrie (2013, Dec 23). Pregnant Nurse Wrongfully Fired For Refusing Flu Shot Because Of Miscarriage Concerns. Mommish.com. Retrieved March 21, 2014, from http://www.mommyish.com/2013/12/23/pregnant-nurse-wrongfully-fired-refusing-flu-shot. Ottenberg, A. L., Wu, J. T., Poland, G. A., Jacobson, R. M., Koenig, B. A., Tilburt, J. C. (2011). Vaccinating health care workers against influenza: the ethical and legal rationale for a mandate.American journal of public health,101(2), 212.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

summer :: essays research papers

Gabriela Summer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I first started reading Summer I was looking for a typical love story, and I was glad that it didn't sort of turn out that way. In the beginning I was just waiting for something to happen, it was a little boring. However, as I read on the book grew more and more interesting. If I could ask the author a few questions I would ask him why did he want that ending? All of a sudden the happy couple is the two people who hated each other throughout the whole story, and he never mentioned what happened to Charity and Lucius' baby. Also, Why was the book called Summer? Other than the season this book took place in, did it have anything to do with the characters, or the plot?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main character is Charity Royall, she was 'brought down from the mountain' by Mr. Royall, and he has been her guardian and rival ever since. In the story Charity meets a young man, Lucius Harney, who she falls madly in love with. He ends up leaving promising her he will come back and marry her, right before she finds out he is the father to the baby in her womb. However Charity finds out that Lucius is engaged and is about to marry another women so without telling him the truth she tells him to marry her, and she escapes to the mountain where she always thought she belonged. Mr.Royall came for her the next morning after her mother's death, and took her to the city so they could be wed, despite how much she thought she hated him she saw all the good he brought her. Charity learned that true love, could be where she never thought to ever look. She learned that the mountain was no place for her, and she knows why he mother didn't want her to live up there. I lear ned that in order to find true love you need to know someone who will always secure you and be around, not someone who will have another women on the side, and promise to end it for you. Also never get pregnant with a man you're not married to first, to save all the awkwardness from your new husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of this story is true love, and summer romance. In my life there is no true love, being that I'm only fourteen, but I know about summer romances.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Platos Republic :: essays research papers

Why do men behave justly? Is it because they fear societal punishment? Are they trembling before notions of divine retribution? Do the stronger elements of society scare the weak into submission in the name of law? Or do men behave justly because it is good for them to do so? Is justice, regardless of its rewards and punishments, a good thing in and of itself? How do we define justice? Plato sets out to answer these questions in the Republic. He wants to define justice, and to define it in such a way as to show that justice is worthwhile in and of itself. He meets these two challenges with a single solution: a definition of justice that appeals to human psychology, rather than to perceived behavior. Plato’s strategy in the Republic is to first explicate the primary notion of societal, or political, justice, and then to derive an analogous concept of individual justice. In Books II, III, and IV, Plato identifies political justice as harmony in a structured political body. An ideal society consists of three main classes of people—producers (craftsmen, farmers, artisans, etc.), auxiliaries (warriors), and guardians (rulers); a society is just when relations between these three classes are right. Each group must perform its appropriate function, and only that function, and each must be in the right position of power in relation to the others. Rulers must rule, auxiliaries must uphold rulers’ convictions, and producers must limit themselves to exercising whatever skills nature granted them (farming, blacksmithing, painting, etc.) Justice is a principle of specialization: a principle that requires that each person fulfill the societal role to which nature fitted h im and not interfere in any other business. At the end of Book IV, Plato tries to show that individual justice mirrors political justice. He claims that the soul of every individual has a three part structure analagous to the three classes of a society. There is a rational part of the soul, which seeks after truth and is responsible for our philosophical inclinations; a spirited part of the soul, which desires honor and is responsible for our feelings of anger and indignation; and an appetitive part of the soul, which lusts after all sorts of things, but money most of all (since money must be used to fulfill any other base desire). The just individual can be defined in analogy with the just society; the three parts of his soul achieve the requisite relationships of power and influence in regard to one another.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nebular Theory

The Nebular Theory is one of the famous theories which explains the formation of the universe primarily the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies. The theory was first applied on to the creation of the solar system and was later applied to the universe. It is sometimes called solar nebular model. According to the theory, the universe was created accidentally from a cloud of dust and gas called Nebula.The cloud collapsed due to its unstable gravitational force and spin faster and faster due to its angular momentum conservation. The gas involved in the nebula was mostly hydrogen. The nebular disk due to the unstable gravitational forces collapse and forms the sun, moon, and the planets. The theory is highly debated due to its inability to explain many of its proponents like angular momentum, the formation of giant planets and stars etc.Uniformitarianism in relation to the evolution of Earth and solar system Uniformitarianism is the assumption that natural processes which operated in the past can be observed and said to be also operating in the present. In relation to the evolution of the earth and the solar system, this philosophy of science explains that the Earth’s processes like moving of the tectonic plates and the formations of mountains and seas can be seen in the past.Uniformitarianism explains that what happens today has also happened in the past. This is why the evolution of the earth and solar system can be observed and known to us by observing the present state of the Earth and the solar system through thorough scientific methods of observation. Uniformitarianism is a principle used to explain why scientist observe and evaluate the earth today and is able to formulate hypothesis and theories on how the earth and solar system evolved through time.